
Thanks for joining me!  I spent two years installing wallpaper, first for Task Rabbit and then for Sonder, a short term rental company.  Before that I worked as a puppet builder for the Hudson Vagabond Puppets!  I am also a handyman specializing in plaster and painting.
I was on a Task for a startup in San Francisco when a client first asked me to install wallpaper.  I had never done it before.  He had very kindly picked up all the materials I would need, but was afraid to mess it up.  I was hooked!  My inate desire to make things fit and getting the job done on time all met in this curious art form that was so popular back in the Dickensian Era.  Now it’s back with a vengeance!  It’s so satisfying to put up, and so satisfying to have in your home. I prefer to put wallpaper up with wallpaper paste, though I’ve used vinyl adhesive paper as well.  You wall needs to be clean and smooth and have a good coat of paint on it to be ready to go.  If the plaster is broken or the paint is peeling we’ll have to fix the wall before putting the wallpaper on. When you’re tired of the design and decide to move on, don’t cover it up with paint!!!!  Soak the wallpaper with plenty of water for a couple of hours.  If it dries up wet it again.  Once the water has soaked all the way through the wallpaper you can scrape it carefully off with no damage to the wall.